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Help Draw Inspectors Stand Out | Trinity Online

Written by Trinity Team | Aug 10, 2022 2:01:13 PM

By the Trinity Team

Draw inspectors act as the eyes and ears for banks, lenders, and financial institutions while in the field. Because inspectors are responsible for reviewing and verifying building progress of a construction project, it is critical for them to provide accurate reporting, detailed line items and photos/comments.

While guidelines and expectations vary from lender to lender, a few qualities exist to help inspectors stand out, helping to set themselves apart and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

Take Plenty of Photos

Photos verify progress and work completed, so the number of photos taken on site is incredibly important. Photos act as the window into the inspection, allowing lenders and third-party services to verify progress claimed in the report.

When we say numerous – we mean LOTS of photos. Generally, we recommend at least 10-20 photos of the exterior and all sides of the property, including one or two of the structure fronts as well as the verification of the address. Furthermore, lenders typically need 20-40 interior photos, to justify all results given. Basically, it’s better to have too many photos versus too little.

 A report packed with clear and crisp photos saves time and substantiates your findings, often preventing inspectors to make a return visit in the case of too few photos taken.

Provide Descriptive Comments

Another excellent practice when completing draw inspection reports is writing extremely descriptive line-item comments.

Often, with photos and associated comments, inspectors do not fully describe the current progress. For example, if a roof is 15 percent complete, an example of an unacceptable comment might be “roof started.” A more explanatory and acceptable comment would be, “felt paper installed,” which not only describes progress, but explains how much additional work is required and provides a more accurate estimated completion date.

Leaving no comment with a photo is one of the poorest solutions for a draw inspection report. Ultimately, descriptions do not need to be lengthy; however, they do need to detail and narrate the specific line-item progress for all parties.

Communicate Clearly and Often

As an inspector, communicating often with your client is a must. When a lender or third party reaches out to confirm an inspection or ask questions about a completed report, respond quickly. Being available during work hours may even save you a trip back to the inspection site, leaving you more time to conduct more inspections.  

Communicating clearly and often with clients saves time for all parties involved and most definitely helps you stand out and excel in the customer’s point of view.

In conclusion, draw inspectors play a critical role in the process, and by incorporating these business practices, inspectors establish trust with lenders and prove your willingness to go above and beyond when completing the report.

For more information about how to improve your draw inspections’ practices, check out’s detailed courses.